Publications since SJTU

1. Digital synthetic polymers for information storage

Li Yu†*, Baiyang Chen†, Ziying Li, Qijing Huang, Kaiyuan He, Yue Su,* Zeguang Han, Yongfeng Zhou, Xinyuan Zhu, Deyue Yan and Ruijiao Dong*. Digital synthetic polymers for information storage. Chemical Society Reviews 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D2CS01022D. (* Corresponding author) (IF = 60.615)

2. Aligned macrocycle pores in ultrathin films for accurate molecular sieving

Zhiwei Jiang†, Ruijiao Dong†, Austin M. Evans, Niklas Biere, Mahmood A. Ebrahim, Siyao Li, Dario Anselmetti, William R. Dichtel, Andrew G. Livingston*. Aligned macrocycle pores in ultrathin films for accurate molecular sieving. Nature 2022, 609, 58–64. († Co-first Author) Highlighted by ScienceMag, MirageNews, and X-MOL (IF = 69.504)

3. Hydrophobic polyamide nanofilms provide rapid transport for crude oil separation

Siyao Li, Ruijiao Dong, Valentina-Elena Musteata, Jihoon Kim, Neel D. Rangnekar, J. R. Johnson, Bennett D. Marshall, Stefan Chisca, Jia Xu, Scott Hoy, Benjamin A. McCool, Suzana P. Nunes, Zhiwei Jiang*, Andrew G. Livingston*. Hydrophobic polyamide nanofilms provide rapid transport for crude oil separation. Science 2022, 377, 1555–1561. Highlighted by ScienceDaily, NatureAsia, MirageNews and X-MOL (IF = 63.714)

4. Synthesis of discrete brush-like PEG with ultrahigh molecular weight

Ruijiao Dong, Piers R. J. Gaffney, Rongjun Chen and Andrew G. Livingston*. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, To be Submitted.

5. Sulfur-containing sequence-defined block co-oligoesters with redox-switchable electrochemical and degradation behaviors

Ruijiao Dong, Li Yu, Chunyang Yu, Piers R. J. Gaffney, Mark F. Wyatt, Rongjun Chen* and Andrew G. Livingston*. Nature Materials 2021, To be Submitted.

6. Visible light-induced enhanced gene delivery with supramolecular block copolymer vectors

Wumaier Yasen, Bei Li, Linzhu Zhou, Dongbo Guo, Qiuhui Qian, Dong Chen, Xinyuan Zhu*, Ruijiao Dong*. Advanced Functional Materials 2021, Submitted.
